Random Number Generator
The Randao Wrapper VRF Contract
The Randao Wrapper VRF Contract is a smart contract interface that can be used to get multiple random numbers.
The problem we solved
Some smart contract applications need to get random numbers, but currently, most methods of generating random numbers are unsafe on-chain. The Randao Wrapper VRF Contract provides an interface that can be used to get random numbers safely and these random numbers are generated by multiple random productors safely on-chain. These numbers are completely random and cannot be predicted.
The Solidity APIs for The Randao Wrapper VRF Contract
We provide interfaces compatible with Chainlink VRF for generating random numbers. These functions can be invoked via Solidity API. To view the details, please refer to the Solidity Interface of RandaoWrapper on Github: https://github.com/HyprNetwork/randao-wrapper/blob/master/contracts/interface/IRandaoWrapper.sol
Charge some fee to randao wrapper that can be used to pay bounty when some random numbers generated are successful .
Send a request for random numbers generation.
Random generation response callback after generating successfully.
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